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February 2022

 Two coastal locations. Two beach destinations. Two towns facing the Pacific Ocean in Mexico. Two destinations chosen by tourists. Two surf spots: Sayulita and Puerto Escondido. What differentiates these two destinations? In this article we share the main characteristics of one and the other so that, when planning your vacation, you know which places in Mexico to visit.  Puerto Escondido From bottom

 Taking vacations in a country that has more than 10,000 kilometers of coastline is a great success, but it requires us to choose which of those thousands of coastal kilometers we want to visit. Rest days are generally between 2 and 4 weeks. It’s very difficult to travel ten thousand kilometers of beach during that short period. A first decision may

 Luxury hotels or palapas on the sand? Resorts or adventure? Fancy or chill? These are just some of the main differences that separate Playa del Carmen, in the Mexican Caribbean, from Puerto Escondido, on the Pacific coast. Although both are beach destinations and very touristic, their styles are very different. In this article we will provide characteristics of both places

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