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Mezcal Tour

Mezcal Tour

The term mezcal comes from the Nahuatl mexcalli: ‘cooked maguey’. The maguey or agave is a typical Mexican plant. Mezcal as an alcoholic beverage is obtained from the distillation of the heart of the maguey. It can be reproduced in nine different states of the country. It is one of the traditional and most typical drinks of the state of Oaxaca.

In Puerto Escondido, you can take a 2-hour tour to learn more about this ancient drink, its history, its different uses and its many variations. You will be amazed at what you can learn about this brevage!

The Mezcal tour includes transfers, visits and tasting to a traditional distillery in the area.

Once at the destination, the guide tells more about the activity, history and traditions of this typical drink. Then, you tour the distillery and the people who work there tell about the different types of mezcal, the distillation processes, the uses and meanings and any other information that they consider relevant to transmit. In addition, there are exchange spaces where each member of the tour can ask questions and answer all the doubts related to Mezcal.

It is very interesting to see how much information you can get from just one drink. In addition, it is a great way to get into Mexican culture, and enjoy a few delicious drinks making new friends.

While Mezcal is a drink that can be found in many parts of Mexico. It is traditional from the State of Oaxaca and is one of the most common drinks in the area. That is why if you plan to visit Puerto Escondido, it is a great opportunity for you to meet and learn about this particular drink.

Many people confuse Tequila with Mezcal. And it is that both drinks are typical of the Mexican country and have a similar flavor, but they are different. Here we tell you some of its main characteristics so that, if you do the tour, you have this knowledge:

  • Place of origin: Tequila is from Jalisco (western Mexico), while mezcal is from Oaxaca (southern Mexico)
  • Elaboration process: Tequila is industrial, it is not always 100% agave, it may contain other carbohydrates and chemicals; while mezcal is handmade, being 100% agave.
  • Agave species (maguey): Tequilana Weber blue variety agave is used for tequila; while for mezcal the agave Angustifolia Haw is used, which has more sugars and is larger.
  • Flavor: tequila is rather neutral and mezcal has a strong aromatic flavor.

We hope that this information will be useful for you to enter the world of Mezcal and you can carry out this cultural experience with the best tour guides in Puerto Escondido.

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