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Whale watching tour

Whale watching tour

If you visit Puerto Escondido during the months of November to March you can take a tour to see the whales in their natural habitat.

In these months the whales make their return migration route to the north and it is possible to observe them from the paradisiac Puerto Escondido, in the Pacific Ocean.

Whale watching is the practice of whale observation for either recreational or scientific purposes. This activity began to become more popular in the last 50 years.

This practice is carried out with a boat or a motorboat that takes you from the coast towards the interior of the sea to be able to approach and see these animals in their natural habitat.

In Puerto Escondido there are several tourism agencies that have this type of activity among their available tours. Generally, the starting point of the tour is in the Main Bay and takes place a few kilometers from the coast.

The duration of the tour is between 2 and 3 hours and it takes place at dawn since it is the best time indicated by the locals to be able to observe these giant mammals.

Have you ever wondered how big a whale can seem to you? Imagine getting closer to a distance that allows you to measure your size with that of these magnificent animals.

“One of the most moving experiences I had in my life. The whales are simply beautiful and awesome. You feel very small compared to the wonders of nature. “

David, a tourist who visited the whales in Puerto Escondido in December 2020.

Like any activity that involves the irruption of people into ecosystems alien to our own and to other animals, it is important to take into consideration certain aspects to carry out the sighting in a responsible manner without damaging the existing whale communities.

There is an Official Mexican STANDARD NOM-131-SEMARNAT-2010, which establishes guidelines and specifications for the development of whale watching activities, related to their protection and the conservation of their habitat.

To guarantee the conservation of these beautiful animals and to continue enjoying their proximity to the beaches of the Mexican Pacific, it is important to comply with the following regulations when taking a tour:

  • Do not surround or harass
  • Do not separate groups of whales
  • Do not separate mothers from their young
  • Not obstruct your course
  • Approach diagonally from the back side of the whale
  • Be located no less than 60 meters away.
  • Maximum speed: 2 knots
  • Maximum 4 boats in the observation area
  • 30 minutes maximum with a whale

We all like to enjoy a good vacation in contact with nature observing the biodiversity that each place has to offer.

The coasts of the State of Oaxaca have an incalculable natural wealth that is the responsibility of everyone (locals and visitors) to care for and preserve so that it continues to exist.
So now you know, if you visit Puerto Escondido during the whale migration months, you cannot miss the whale watching tour . Remember to do it responsibly.

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